It is the chocolate and kisses of life that make us rich. Enjoy what brings a smile to my face and love to my life.....

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Time to Shape it Up

After all the excitement of the wedding, life seems pretty B-O-R-I-N-G right now. There is nothing huge to plan, nothing too exciting to look forward to, and my days seem rather dull. Don't get me wrong, I am happy but life is missing something.
 Maybe it's the beautiful moment captured here.
Or the fact I miss doing this!

So I think it's time to fix that! It's time to make more special moments with the beautiful people I surround myself with. After seeing some of my favorite people all the time, the normal busy schedules of everyone really puts a cramp in my social life!

New Way of Eating 

As I mentioned yesterday, I signed up for Weight Watchers Online. I have been intermittently doing my own calorie counts on websites such as Myfitnesspal and Sparkpeople which are free (nice little perk!) but its apparently just not working for me. Something about those sites leads me to get bored very easily, very fast. Boredom is a good way to set yourself up for failure and I'm done with allowing myself to fail at becoming healthier.

As much as some like to see the different stats in front of them: Calories/Fats/Carbohydrates/ Protein/Fiber/Sugar/Sodium etc, etc. I think it is a little too overwhelming for me because I'm constantly trying to tweak the numbers. So, maybe one specific number- Points, will be a better fit. I know that the numbers shouldn't be the driving force. I want to stay within my target number of calories/points while eating good wholesome nourishing foods. Foods that will give me energy and make me feel better.

So today is a new day to start my plan!


1 whole grain wheat english muffin
2 eggs
1 piece of american cheese

Made into a delicious egg sandwich. I could eat these everyday for breakfast!

Enjoyed with pineapple.

Meal one down...time to conquer the day!

1 comment:

  1. That's how I like to look at it: one meal at a time. Makes the task seem less daunting. Enjoy weight watchers online...I loved it!


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